The UCLA Department of Statistics is growing rapidly, and our sources of public funding are not keeping up with our increasing demands. Funding from donors like you will help us maintain state-of-the-art computing facilities for our undergraduate majors and our graduate students. You can also help provide financial assistance for our grad students to support their research and teaching. Donate and advance Statistics’ mission of promoting the use of data in the understanding of our environment, our social relationships, and our physical and virtual selves.
Give Online
You can make donations easily and securely at our on-line UCLA Giving site. Choose one of four areas in which to make a contribution:
•Undergraduate Teaching
•Graduate Student Support
•Computing Support
Give by Mail
Donate by mail. Send checks or money orders (made payable to The UCLA Foundation) to:
UCLA Department of Statistics
8125 Math Sciences Bldg.
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1554
Please mark check with one of the fund areas described above to which you wish to contribute.
More Information
For an endowment or naming opportunities, contact:
Loida De Leon, Associate Director of Development
Division of Physical Sciences
1309 Murphy Hall, Box 951413
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1413
Cell: (310) 405-3043
For general information, please contact:
Joshua Victorio, Fund Manager
UCLA Department of Statistics
8125 Math Sciences Bldg., Box 951554
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1554