The ceremony was held virtually due to the health crisis.
2020 Department of Statistics Commencement Ceremony
Saturday June 13, 2020
Start time: 7pm
This ceremony is for all graduating Statistics undergraduate major, Master of Applied Statistics, Masters, and Ph.D. students. Family members of these people are also welcome to observe the ceremony. The agenda is available at this link and below.
Robert Gould, Vice Chair of Undergraduate Studies
Dean’s Message
Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay, Dean of Physical Sciences
Chair’s Message
Hongquan Xu, Chair of Department of Statistics
Undergraduate Address
Britney Brown & Bruce Tsai
“History is a Never-ending Book Written Tomorrow”
Commencement Address
Dr. Jessica Jaynes, Assistant Professor, California State University, Fullerton
“The POWER That New Graduates Will Have”
Presentation of Doctoral Candidates
Hongquan Xu, Chair of Department of Statistics
Presentation of Masters of Science Candidates
Mahtash Esfandiari, Senior Continuing Lecturer
Presentation of Masters of Applied Statistics Candidates
Frederic Schoenberg, Director of MAS Program
Presentation of Bachelor of Science Candidates
Vivian Lew, Senior Continuing Lecturer
Juana Sanchez, Senior Continuing Lecturer
Miles Chen, Lecturer
Akram Almohalwas, Continuing Lecturer
Nicolas Christou, Senior Continuing Lecturer
Concluding Remarks
Robert Gould, Vice Chair of Undergraduate Studies
Zoom gallery view of faculty participants in the 2020 Department of Statistics Commencement Ceremony
A recording of the 2020 Department of Statistics Commencement Ceremony
Video(s) from faculty on this very important milestone for graduating students:
Senior Continuing Lecturer
Some videos from the graduating students: