Commencement 2021

2021 Department of Statistics Commencement Ceremony
Saturday June 12, 2021
Start time: 5pm
This ceremony is for all graduating Statistics Undergraduate Major, Statistics Undergraduate Minor, Master of Applied Statistics, Masters, and Ph.D. students. Family members of these people are also welcome to observe the ceremony.


Robert Gould, Vice Chair of Undergraduate Studies

Dean’s Message
Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay, Dean of Physical Sciences

Chair’s Message
Hongquan Xu, Chair of Department of Statistics

Undergraduate Address
Andy Shen
“The Last Line of Code”

Commencement Address
Jake Porway, Founder and CEO of DataKind
“Making Statistics Count: Using Data in the Service of Humanity”

Presentation of Doctoral Candidates
Jessica Jingyi Li, Associate Professor

Presentation of Masters of Science Candidates
Hongquan Xu, Chair of Department of Statistics

Presentation of Masters of Applied Statistics Candidates
Frederic Schoenberg, Director of MAS Program

Presentation of Bachelor of Science Candidates with Minor in Statistics
Miles Chen, Lecturer

Presentation of Bachelor of Science Candidates
Miles Chen, Lecturer
Juana Sanchez, Senior Continuing Lecturer
Vivian Lew, Senior Continuing Lecturer
Nicolas Christou, Senior Continuing Lecturer

Concluding Remarks
Robert Gould, Vice Chair of Undergraduate Studies

Video(s) from faculty on this very important milestone for graduating students:

Nicolas Christou
Senior Continuing Lecturer
Miles Chen

Some videos from the graduating students:

Kristen Ahmann, B.S.
Chelsea Zixi Chen, B.S.
Yiwen Chen, B.S.

Jingwu Fang, M.S.
Raghava Govil, B.S.
Jiaming Guo, M.S.

Yuelin He, Minor in Statistics
Priya Jain, B.S.
Jooyoung Lee, B.S.

Tanvi Pati, B.S.
Diana Pham, B.S.
Teresa Rexin, Minor in Statistics

Vansika Saraf, B.S.
Wenru Shi, B.S.
Alejandro Veroulis, B.S.

Wanxin Xie, B.S.
Boran Xu, B.S.
Fan Yang, B.S.

DuoDuo Ying, Minor in Statistics
Minglu Lucy Zhao, B.S.
Yingzhen Zhao, B.S.

Xinyue Zhu, B.S.